Ticket Hash: fa1e4e0e6c6fa1e68188b594f357f39e7af976d6
Title: wrong index calculation in tclhttpd Passgen_Salt
Status: Open Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2020-03-26 11:22:00
Version Found In: 4.0
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2020-03-26 11:22:00: (text/x-fossil-plain)
The crypt command used in tclhttpd requires a 2 characters salt but sometimes Passgen_Salt generates a shorter salt caused by a wrong random index calculation and crypt thows an error.

How to reproduce:

while {1} {
    set salt [Passgen_Salt]
    if {[string length $salt] < 2} {
        puts "salt=$salt"
        crypt "password" $salt

The problemi is caused by [expr round(rand()*$slen)] which sometimes calculates an index equal to the length of the salt string so that [string index $saltstr $index] = "".

To fix the problem we need to replace round() with int() in passgen.tcl:Passgen_Salt:

proc Passgen_Salt {} {
    global passgen
    set slen [string len $passgen(saltstr)]
    return "[string index $passgen(saltstr) [expr {int(rand()*$slen)}]][string index $passgen(saltstr) [expr {int(rand()*$slen)}]]"