Ticket UUID: | 981605 | |||
Title: | BWidget Calendar Dialog | |||
Type: | Patch | Version: | None | |
Submitter: | cmay | Created on: | 2004-06-28 22:10:17 | |
Subsystem: | bwidget 1.x | Assigned To: | aku | |
Priority: | 5 Medium | Severity: | Minor | |
Status: | Pending | Last Modified: | 2025-03-13 17:14:43 | |
Resolution: | None | Closed By: | nobody | |
Closed on: | ||||
Description: |
This adds support for a calendar dialog, very similar to the iwidget version. The dialog operates in one of two modes: dialog or popup. The latter is just a special case of the former, but returns after one date is selected and offers no confirmation or cancellation buttons. An embeddable method that fires virtual <<CalendarSelection>> events is on the TODO list. Also adds a manual page to the BWman directory, and files to the demo directory are modified to include the calendar as either a separate note book page or as a sub frame of the Dialogs page. I couldn't decide where it would fit best. | |||
User Comments: |
oehhar added on 2025-03-13 17:14:43:
Great, thank you. The changed file in now in commit [a98c52b45d]. What about using the rc files for the Jear and Day names ? BWidget does that, because msgcat was not out at this time... Thanks and take care, Harald anonymous (claiming to be TWu) added on 2025-03-13 16:45:40: Hello Harald, now the enhanced, fixed and documented calendar set is finished and uploaded (had to do it twice because of typos and line orders). Please use the latest uploaded zip. Thanks a lot and greetings, Thomas W. anonymous (claiming to be TWu) added on 2025-03-13 14:42:09: Hello Harald, thanks for the last commit. To answer your question about the fonts: These are selected explicit in the demonstration examples. The usual fonts look nicer. See attached picture. oehhar added on 2025-02-28 12:39:08: Thanks, Thomas, for the proposal. It is now in branch [981605ffff-calender] starting with commit [c808463f05]. For me, the choosen fonts do not match the rest of BWidget, see attached screenshot. Take care, Harald oehhar added on 2013-06-21 18:39:15: File not extractable cmay added on 2004-06-29 05:10:17: File Added - 92221: bwidget_calendar_06282004.patch.gz |
- bwidget_calendar_2025-03-13.zip [download] added by anonymous on 2025-03-13 16:39:11. [details]
- Preview-Win10-ActiveTcl8_6_4_1-BWidget1_9_8.png [download] added by anonymous on 2025-03-13 14:43:51. [details]
- calender_screenshot_tk8.6_win.png [download] added by oehhar on 2025-02-28 12:39:36. [details]
- bwidget_calendar_06282004.zip [download] added by anonymous on 2025-02-26 15:07:21. [details]
- bwidget_calendar_06282004.patch.gz [download] added by cmay on 2004-06-29 05:10:17. [details]