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5 check-ins using file scrollview.tcl version dc43f79f4b

* scrollw.tcl (ScrolledWindow::setwidget): check that the old widget associated still exists before unconfiguring it. [Bug #833034]
check-in: 5917bc5c04 user: hobbs tags: trunk
* combobox.tcl, listbox.tcl: Fixed keyboard navigation in the combobox drop down [Bug 831496].

* listbox.tcl: Added curselection subcommand to mimic Tk listbox behavior.

Added keyboard navigation to the listbox.

* widget.tcl: Added Widget::exists command to return whether a widget is a BWidget (based on whether it exists in the _class array).

Widget::destroy now properly unsets the widget's variable in the _class array. check-in: ccc0a40c43 user: damonc tags: trunk

Fix markup errors [Bug #740484] check-in: b764a99d2a user: jenglish tags: trunk
Updated the docs for my latest commit. check-in: be14c8e806 user: damonc tags: trunk
This is a huge commit with a lot of changes. I've tested through it with the demo as well as some of my own software, and everything seems to be working properly. I have no doubt that there will be little inconsistencies discovered through some thorough use.

Please checkout this latest version and give it a spin through your applications and tests. I am available to fix any and every bug that crops up, as I want to see this in really good shape for the next ActiveTcl release (which will follow the next Tcl release shortly).

* arrow.tcl, bitmap.tcl, button.tcl, buttonbox.tcl, color.tcl, * combobox.tcl, dialog.tcl, dragsite.tcl, dropsite.tcl, entry.tcl * font.tcl, label.tcl, labelentry.tcl, labelframe.tcl, listbox.tcl * mainframe.tcl, messagedlg.tcl, notebook.tcl, pagesmgr.tcl * panedw.tcl, passwddlg.tcl, progressbar.tcl, progressdlg.tcl * scrollframe.tcl, scrollview.tcl, scrollw.tcl, separator.tcl * spinbox.tcl, titleframe.tcl, tree.tcl, utils.tcl, widget.tcl * xpm2image.tcl: Revamp again to let core Widget commands handle most of the esoteric work of creating and destroying widgets properly in the BWidget environment.

The command Widget::define defines a class, its filename and a list of classes which it uses. This command handles creating the command to create new widgets, creates a ::use command for the class and calls the ::use command for each class included.

The command Widget::create does the renaming of the widget to $path:cmd and creates the proc to redirect the widget commands.

Widget::destroy now does the rename $path "" that almost all widgets do.

* button.tcl: Added a -state option to configure the state of the entire box at once.

Added new insert and delete subcommands.

Added an after cancel to stop button repeat upon release. [Bug 697022]

* combobox.tcl: Added -bwlistbox, -listboxwidth and -hottrack options. -images option already existed, but now it actually does something.

Added getlistbox, get, icursor, post and unpost subcommands.

* dynhelp.tcl: Added add subcommand to replace the (now) deprecated register command. The new command adds for a lot more flexibility in applying dynamic help.

Help popup now comes up -topmost 1 on Windows if available.

* entry.tcl: Added -disabledbackground option so that the BWidget entry more closely resembles the standard Tk entry. [Bug 638236].

* init.tcl: Moved Widget::traverseTo into widget.tcl.

* label.tcl: Renamed BWLabel class to just Label.

* listbox.tcl: Added a default -dropcmd so that if -dragenabled and -dropenabled are true, drag-and-drop within the same widget is possible without any other options.

Added -autofocus option to specify that clicking within the listbox should draw the focus in order to handle mouse wheel events.

Added -selectfill option for drawing a full selection rectangle around selected items instead of just around the item.

Added getcanvas subcommand. [Bug 436762].

bindImage and bindText now map %W to $path in order to get an accurate path in events. This can probably be fixed better when we have more control over event parameters. [Bug 607745]

Added mouse wheel bindings by default.

Added <<ListboxSelect>> event when selection changes.

* mainframe.tcl: Fixed bug for adding CTRL-F items to a mainframe [Bug 784269]

* messagedlg.tcl: Added -buttonwidth option.

* notebook.tcl: Added dynamic help to tabs.

Added -tabpady option to specify the padding between the text and the tab.

Notebooks now handle multi-line text properly. [Bug 565284]

* scrollview.tcl: Rewritten to use a variable per path instead of a big array.

* tree.tcl: Added -anchor option to nodes to specify the anchor for an image or window when displayed.

Added -crossopenimage, -crosscloseimage, -crossopenbitmap and -crossclosebitmap options to change the open / close cross.

Added mouse wheel bindings by default.

Added toggle subcommand to toggle a single tree node.

Added <<TreeSelect>> event when selection changes.

The characters "& | ^ !" are all converted to | silently in node names. This is to avoid errors because these characters are special to the canvas widget. [Bug 746960]

bindImage and bindText now map %W to $path in order to get an accurate path in events. This can probably be fixed better when we have more control over event parameters. [Bug 607745]

* utils.tcl: Added BWidget::wrongNumArgsString command to return a standard wrong # args error string.

Added BWidget::classes command that returns a list of all classes required by a given class.

Added BWidget::inuse command to determine if a given class is inuse.

Added BWidget::library command to return a body of code that can be saved into a project or other code based on the given classes. When called with a list of classes, all the classes and code necessary to use those classes is returned in a large string which can then be written out to a file.

Added BWidget::write command to write to a given file the current set of classes that are in use.

Added BWidget::bindMouseWheel command to setup default mouse bindings on a given widget.

* widget.tcl: Added a new option type 'Padding' which will accept the standard padding arguments in Tcl 8.4+.

Added Widget::define command to define a new BWidget class.

Added Widget::create command to create a BWidget properly.

Widget::destroy now attempts to delete a widget command created through Widget::create.

Added Widget::options command to return the current options of a given widget in a style that can be used to serialize a widget.

Added Widget::getOption command to get options based on children having the same option.

* wizard.tcl: Added new Wizard widget. check-in: b363fd16f2 user: damonc tags: trunk