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08:40 Ticket [acbd67752a] NoteBook tab drawing not updated when used font changes status still Closed with 5 other changes artifact: 0b93aeeba8 user: oehhar
08:38 Closed ticket [acbd67752a]. artifact: 8605977e9a user: oehhar
mainframe.tcl: Recalculate status bar height if the text size is changed by a change of a used named font. Ticket [acbd67752a] check-in: 6b1f3c9f9b user: oehhar tags: bwidget
11:29 Ticket [acbd67752a] NoteBook tab drawing not updated when used font changes status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: df7250cc02 user: oehhar
07:16 Ticket [acbd67752a]: 3 changes artifact: a7693f8e02 user: oehhar
07:14 Ticket [acbd67752a]: 4 changes artifact: 7d484ef185 user: oehhar
notebook.tcl: Repaint tabs if the text size is changed by a change of a used named font. Ticket [acbd67752a] check-in: 16dd153a08 user: oehhar tags: bwidget
09:58 New ticket [acbd67752a] NoteBook tab drawing not updated when used font changes. artifact: 34f7379889 user: oehhar

Ticket UUID: acbd67752a34aae10ad154662de43fa311e295e7
Title: NoteBook tab drawing not updated when used font changes
Type: Bug Version: trunk
Submitter: oehhar Created on: 2021-08-05 09:58:37
Subsystem: bwidget 1.x Assigned To: nobody
Priority: 5 Medium Severity: Minor
Status: Closed Last Modified: 2021-12-03 08:40:28
Resolution: Fixed Closed By: oehhar
    Closed on: 2021-12-03 08:40:28

The tab is not redrawn if the font used in the tab label changes.


font create TitleFont -size 20
pack [NoteBook .n -font TitleFont] -fill both -expand true
.n insert 0 p1 -text ABC
font configure TitleFont -size 40


This issue may be solved using the <<TkWorldChanged>> event in Tk ticket

The required patch in notebook.tcl is:

bind NoteBook <<TkWorldChanged>> [list NoteBook::_worldchanged  %W %d]
proc NoteBook::_worldchanged { path type} {
    if {$type == "FontChanged"} {
        _compute_height $path
        _compute_width $path
        _redraw $path

User Comments: oehhar added on 2021-12-03 08:40:28:

MainFrame now fixed with commit [6b1f3c9f9b].

Closing bug. Thanks to Brian for implementing TkWorldChange in Tk.

This works from Tk 8.6.12 and later.

oehhar added on 2021-12-03 08:38:55:

Mainframe issue also solved by checkin [6b1f3c9f9b].

Closing bug. As a side note, this works starting with Tk 8.6.12 or Tk 8.7a6.

Thanks specially to Brian for implementing TkWorldChange in Tk.


oehhar added on 2021-09-20 11:29:35:

The MainFrame widget has a similar issue with the status line.

oehhar added on 2021-08-06 07:14:55:

The patch is now in branch bwidget with commit [16dd153a08].