Cgi Tools, Usage

Each of the procedures defined in base/cgi.tcl falls into one of 2 categories:

  1. Support of multi-page generation, or
  2. support of redirection of output into strings, with later retrieval of the saved code.

The following combinations are possible:

A deeper nesting is (currently) not possible. So please don't try to open a file, stack some string buffers and then open another file.

Some remarks

The benefit of multi-page support should be obvious, but why the support of stacked string buffers ?

Well, some of the commands in the cgi library (made by Don Libes) don't evaluate their input, but take preformatted text only. An example of this are cgi_li and cgi_term_definition. This prevents the deeper nesting of list structures, although possible in native HTML. The redirection into strings now allows pre-generation of the nested parts and their insertion whereever desired.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.4 at 09/14/2000, invoked by Andreas Kupries