Things to be done in future.
- The tests do not cover each and every command, complete them.
- The database information cache incurs a heavy startup cost.
It might be better for the usual case to fill it incrementally.
- I am getting doubts that it is wise to integrate the database
-> packer map and the converter list into the main command
(piDlp). People might want to use different lookup
algorithms and/or store more and/or different information in these
datastructures. Using command hooks instead to give the dlp
objects a more indirect access to them might be a better choice.
See Future architecture for a picture about this. The next topic below is
part of this.
- Think about and implement a framework for writing conduits
(which are more than simple packers) in tcl.
- Expand the documentation.
- Design a logo for the extension.
- Anybody out there wishing for more ?
Feel free to send me
suggestions, code, patches, bug reports, in short: Anything you
think that might help me to make this extension better.