Exported functionality
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Everything exported resides in lib/engine.tcl. There are 3 types
of exported functionality:
- The main entrypoint, ::makedist::do.
Procedures to query the database of vectors, like retrievers, packers and
transporters (See the outline for an explanation
of these terms). They are all defined in the namespace '::makedist'.
At last, 3 utility procedures to aid in the definition of vectors. It is
possible to define vectors manually, but their usage is much simpler, as
they will take care of:
- Updating the internal registry and
Generating a procedure with the correct name and argument list.
In general all vectors are defined by an internal code, a string to use
in interfaces and the script to execute upon request.
Generated by AutoDoc 2.1 at 06/05/1999, invoked by Andreas Kupries