File 'support/base.tcl' (part of 'Makedist_Support')

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Written by
Andreas Kupries
Basic supporting commands.
Depends on
Tcl, Pool_Base
support, base support

mConfigure (args)

Executes 'autoconf' in all directories named in the list args.
Dangers: Restricted to usage on a unix system, because /dev/null is used here.
Notes: Requires existence of 'autoconf' command, must be found in the path.
Argument: args List of directories to configure.

mExclude (args)

Removes the files specified in args from the distribution directory.
Argument: args List of files and/or directories to remove from the distribution.

mInsertInfo (args)

Inserts the information contained in the array 'mInfo' into the files named in args.
Argument: args list of files to manipulate

mSupport (args)

The files named in the list args are copied to the support folder and will be distributed side by side to the complete distribution.
Argument: args List of files to be marked as supporting data.

Generated by AutoDoc 2.1 at 06/05/1999, invoked by Andreas Kupries