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Bounty program for improvements to Tcl and certain Tcl packages.
Ticket Hash: 8502a858bdd67f0ca4281fd0e667e5b2ec23f343
Title: Add facility for colorization
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2014-05-23 22:17:44
Version Found In:
User Comments:
aku added on 2014-05-22 21:07:06: (text/x-fossil-plain)
The interaction code to snarf from stackato-cli, for ticket [a80ac87036],
requires color support (used to highlight of default values).

Also snarfable from stackato-cli, although should be generalized to allow user customization, with a database of the standard settings.

aku added on 2014-05-23 22:17:18: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Done with
* [ddd5e520dd] Fixes & tests
* [e8bf343c87] tty support, fixes, tests
* [7104561dd4] Initial import (tty, color, ask)

aku added on 2014-05-23 22:17:44: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Done with
* [ddd5e520dd] Fixes & tests
* [e8bf343c87] tty support, fixes, tests
* [7104561dd4] Initial import (tty, color, ask)