[comment {-*- tcl -*- doctools manpage}] [include parts/definitions.inc] [vset VERSION 1.4] [manpage_begin [vset LABEL_PARAMETER] [vset MAN_SECTION] [vset VERSION]] [include parts/module.inc] [require cmdr::parameter] [titledesc [vset TITLE_PARAMETER]] [description] [include parts/welcome.inc] This package implements [emph parameters], collections of which (see [package cmdr::config]) serve as the configuration of privates (see [package cmdr::private]). [comment @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@] [section {Class API}] The class API is not public. It is used internally by the framework when parsing a command hierarchy specification to create the necessary parameter instances. [para] It is described here for use by developers maintaining, modifying and extending the framework itself. A user of the framework has no need for it. [list_begin definitions] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ::cmdr::parameter] [method new] [arg config] [arg order] [arg cmdline] [arg required] [arg defered] [arg name] [arg description] [arg spec]] Create an auto-named instance of [class cmdr::parameter]. [para] [emph {Not used}]. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ::cmdr::parameter] [method create] [arg obj] [arg config] [arg order] [arg cmdline] [arg required] [arg defered] [arg name] [arg description] [arg spec]] Create a new instance of [class cmdr::parameter], named [arg obj]. Used by the DSL processing parts of the framework to instantiate parameters. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def string obj] The (command) name of the new parameter instance. [arg_def cmdr::config config] The instance command of the [package cmdr::config] instance holding the parameter. [arg_def boolean order] Flag. Parameter is specified by order ([const true]: argument), or name ([const false]: option). [arg_def boolean cmdline] Flag. Parameter is visible on the command line ([const true]: option, or argument), or not ([const false]: state). [arg_def boolean required] Flag. Parameter is must be specified by the user at runtime ([const true]), or not ([const false]). [arg_def boolean defered] Flag. The internal representation is computed on-demand ([const true]), or in the completion phase ([const false]). [arg_def string name] Internal name of the parameter. Also the name used in the help, if not overridden by a [cmd label] declaration (in [arg spec]). [arg_def string description] Human-readable help text for the parameter. [arg_def script spec] Tcl-script specifying the parameter in detail. Please read [term [vset TITLE_DSL_PARAMETER]] for the details. [list_end][comment arguments] [list_end][comment definitions] [comment @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@] [section {Instance API}] Most of the instance API is not public. [para] It is described here for use by developers maintaining, modifying and extending the framework itself. A user of the framework has no need for it. [comment { @EDIT mark the methods which are public @EDIT and/or write a separate document? }] [list_begin definitions] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method accept] [arg x]] This method validates the string value [arg x] against the validation type of the parameter and returns a boolean value indicating success ([const true]), or not ([const false]). The internal representation of [arg x] is not kept but released immediately. The parameter itself is not changed either. This is used during runtime by the 'test'-based processing of optional arguments. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def string x] [list_end][comment {--- arguments --}] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method cmdline]] This accessor method returns the "cmdline" flag set during parameter construction. A result of [const true] indicates that the parameter is visible on the command line (option, or argument), and otherwise ([const false]) hidden (state). [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method code]] This method returns a string encoding the flags "required" and "list". The mapping is as follows: [list_begin definitions] [def [const +]] required, scalar [def [const ?]] optional, scalar [def [const +*]] required, list [def [const ?*]] optional, list. [list_end] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method complete-words] [arg parse]] This method is part of the main shell command line completion. For the details of its workings please read [term [vset TITLE_DEV_COMPLETE]]. [para] Given the completion state [arg parse] of a partial command line it returns a list of strings which are the valid completions at this point, for the parameter. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def dict parse] A dictionary holding the current completion state of a partial command line. [list_end][comment {--- arguments --}] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method config] [arg word...]] This method either returns the [package cmdr::config] instance containing the parameter, or the result of applying the words to that config instance. It is through this method that any script with access to a single parameter instance of a private will have access to all its parameters. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def string word...] The method and its arguments to apply to the config instance holding the parameter. If none are specified the method [method self] is implied, causing the return of the config instance itself. [list_end][comment {--- arguments --}] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method default]] This method returns the default value set by the parameter's specification, or the empty string. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method defered]] This accessor method returns the "defered" flag set during parameter construction. A result of [const true] indicates that the parameter's internal representation is computed on-demand, and otherwise ([const false]) during the completion phase. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method description] [opt [arg detail]]] This method returns the parameter's help text. If the [arg detail] is specified and the name of an automatic option controlled by this parameter its implicit description is returned instead of the description of its primary. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def string detail] Optional. The name of a automatic option controlled by the parameter. [list_end][comment {--- arguments --}] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method documented]] This accessor method returns the "documented" flag of the parameter. A value of [const true] indicates that the parameter should be included in generated help, otherwise not. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method dontinteract]] This method disables interactive entry of the parameter's value for one time. I.e. after the information was used (see method [method value]) the flag automatically resets. The result of the method is the empty string. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method flag]] This method returns the text of the primary flag of the parameter, including leading dashes. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method forget]] This method releases the internal representation of the parameter's value, if it has any. See also method [method reset] for a stronger form. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method generator]] This method returns the "generate" command prefix callback, if it was set, and an empty list otherwise. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method hasdefault]] This method returns a boolean flag indicating if the parameter's specification declared a default value for it ([const true]), or not ([const false]). [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method help]] This method returns the help information for the parameter. Note that this method does [emph not] check the "documented" flag of the parameter. That is the responsibility of the caller. The result of the command is a structure of the form described in section [sectref {Help Information}]. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method interactive]] This method returns the "interactive" flag of the parameter. A result of [const true] indicates that the parameter's string representation has to be queried interactively if no value was specified at runtime. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method interact] [opt [arg prompt]]] This method interactively queries the string representation of the parameter from the user. If no [arg prompt] is specified the parameter's prompt from the specification is used. See also method [method prompt]. The interaction takes the "list"-ness of the parameter into account. Note that the entered string(s) is/are validated and invalid information is rejected. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def string prompt] Optional. The prompt to use for the interaction. [list_end][comment {--- arguments --}] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method isbool]] This method returns a boolean value indicating if the parameter uses the standard validation type "boolean" ([const true]) or not ([const false]). The parts of the parameter responsible for processing option arguments use this information to invoke the hard-wired special cases for this type, or not. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method is] [arg type]] This method returns a boolean value indicating if the parameter is of the specified [arg type] ([const true]) or not ([const false]). [list_begin arguments] [arg_def string type] The type to check the parameter against. Recognized values are [list_begin definitions] [def [const argument]] [def [const option]] [def [const state]] [list_end] [list_end][comment {--- arguments --}] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method label]] This method returns the human-readable name of the parameter, for use in help. If not specifically overridden by the parameter's specification this is the same as the internal name (See method [method name]). [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method list]] This accessor method returns the "list" flag of the parameter. A value of [const true] indicates that the parameter's value is a list, otherwise a scalar. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method locker]] This accessor method returns the string set by method [method lock] below, or the empty string if [method lock] was not used. [emph Note]: This information is reset by method [method reset], but not by [method forget]. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method lock] [arg reason]] This method locks the parameter against modification by the methods [method set] and [method setq], and remembers the [arg reason] for it. The reason is expected to be the name of another parameter whose use disallows the use of this one. [emph Note]: Such a lock is reset by method [method reset], but not by [method forget]. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def string reason] The name of the parameter locking this one against further modification. [list_end][comment {--- arguments --}] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method name]] This method returns the internal name of the parameter. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method nopromote]] This method returns the state of the non-promotion flag of the parameter. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method options]] This method returns the list of option flags recognized by the parameter. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method ordered]] This accessor method returns the "order" flag set during parameter construction. A result of [const true] indicates that the parameter is specified by order at runtime (argument), and otherwise ([const false]) by name (option). [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method presence]] This method returns a boolean value indicating if the option parameter is set as presence-option ([const true]) or not ([const false]). The parts of the parameter responsible for processing option arguments use this information to invoke the hard-wired special cases for presence, or not. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method primary] [arg option]] This method returns a boolean value indicating if the named [arg option] is the primary option of this parameter ([const true]), or not ([const false]). An error will be thrown if the named option is not controlled by the parameter. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def string option] The name of the option to check. [list_end][comment {--- arguments --}] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method process] [arg detail] [arg queue]] This method extracts the value of the parameter from the command line. A [method presence] option takes nothing, whereas an [method isbool] option takes the first value in the [arg queue], if it is a proper boolean, and defaults to [const true] if not. Any other argument or option takes the first value in [arg queue]. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def string detail] The name of the parameter, or the option flag referencing it. [arg_def struct::queue queue] The queue instance holding the words of the command line not yet processed by the system. [list_end][comment {--- arguments --}] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method prompt]] This method returns the prompt string used by the parameter for interactive entry. If not overridden by the parameter's specification this defaults to a string derived from the internal name of the parameter, i.e. "Enter [var name]:". [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method required]] This accessor method returns the "required" flag set during parameter construction. A result of [const true] indicates that the parameter must be specified by the user at runtime, and otherwise may be left unspecified ([const false]). [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method reset] [opt [arg cleanup]]] This method sets the parameter into the initial state where it has neither string nor internal representation, nor is it locked. This is a stronger form of [method forget]. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def boolean cleanup] [list_end][comment {--- arguments --}] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method self]] This method returns the parameter instance itself. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method set?]] This accessor method returns a boolean value indicating if the parameter was given a string representation at runtime ([const true]), or not ([const false]). [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method setq] [arg queue]] This method sets the first element of the [arg queue] as the value of the parameter. For a "list" parameter all elements of the queue are taken as the new value of the parameter. This is not quite analogous to method [method set] below. They behave the same for scalar parameters, and differ for "list" parameters. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def stack::queue queue] The queue instance holding the words of the command line not yet processed. [list_end][comment {--- arguments --}] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method set] [arg value]] This method sets the [arg value] as the new string representation of the parameter. For a "list" parameter the string representation is [emph extended] with the [arg value]. This action triggers the execution of the "when-set" callback. A previously existing internal representation is forgotten (See [method forget]). [list_begin arguments] [arg_def string value] The new value of the parameter, or an extension of the existing value. [list_end][comment {--- arguments --}] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method string]] This accessor method returns the string representation of the parameter. If such was not set an error will be thrown (See method [method undefined!]). [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method threshold:] [arg n]] This method specifies the minimum number of words needed after the optional argument parameter for it to accept the current word for itself. Parameters which are not optional arguments ignore this method. The result of the method is the empty string. [list_begin arguments] [arg_def integer n] The acceptance threshold for the parameter. [list_end][comment {--- arguments --}] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method threshold]] This method returns the threshold set on the parameter. An empty string indicates a parameter without threshold. A value of -1 indicates that the optional argument accepts based on validation (See method [method accept]) instead of using a threshold. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method type]] This accessor method returns the type of the parameter, one of [const argument], [const option], or [const state]. See also method [method is] for type-checking. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method undefined!]] This method explicitly throws a "parameter undefined" error for this parameter. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method validator]] This method returns the "validate" command prefix callback (i.e. the parameter's validation type). [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method value]] This accessor method returns the internal representation of the parameter. If necessary the data is computed from the parameter's string representation, "default" value, or "generate" callback. An error is thrown if the value could not be determined. (See method [method undefined!]). If the value is newly computed the action triggers the execution of the "when-complete" callback. [para][include parts/para_value.inc] [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method when-complete]] This method returns the "when-complete" command prefix callback, if it was set, and an empty list otherwise. [comment {- - -- --- ----- -------- -------------}] [call [cmd ] [method when-set]] This method returns the "when-set" command prefix callback, if it was set, and an empty list otherwise. [list_end][comment {-- definitions --}] [comment @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@] [section {Help Information}] The help information generated for parameters is a dictionary containing the keys below: [include parts/help_para_structure.inc] [include parts/feedback.inc] [manpage_end]