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<title>cmdr::history - Cmdr, a framework for command line parsing and dispatch</title>
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<h1 class="title">cmdr::history(n) 0.1 doc &quot;Cmdr, a framework for command line parsing and dispatch&quot;</h1>
<div id="name" class="section"><h2><a name="name">Name</a></h2>
<p>cmdr::history - Cmdr - Utilities for history management</p>
<div id="toc" class="section"><h2><a name="toc">Table Of Contents</a></h2>
<ul class="toc">
<li class="section"><a href="#toc">Table Of Contents</a></li>
<li class="section"><a href="#synopsis">Synopsis</a></li>
<li class="section"><a href="#section1">Description</a></li>
<li class="section"><a href="#section2">API</a></li>
<li class="section"><a href="#section3">Example</a></li>
<li class="section"><a href="#section4">Bugs, Ideas, Feedback</a></li>
<li class="section"><a href="#keywords">Keywords</a></li>
<li class="section"><a href="#copyright">Copyright</a></li>
<div id="synopsis" class="section"><h2><a name="synopsis">Synopsis</a></h2>
<div class="synopsis">
<ul class="requirements">
<li>package require <b class="pkgname">fileutil</b></li>
<li>package require <b class="pkgname">cmdr::history</b></li>
<ul class="syntax">
<li><a href="#1"><b class="cmd">::cmdr::history</b> <b class="method">attach</b> <i class="arg">actor</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#2"><b class="cmd">::cmdr::history</b> <b class="method">save-to</b> <i class="arg">path</i></a></li>
<li><a href="#3"><b class="cmd">::cmdr::history</b> <b class="method">initial-limit</b> <i class="arg">limit</i></a></li>
<div id="section1" class="section"><h2><a name="section1">Description</a></h2>
<p>Welcome to the Cmdr project, written by Andreas Kupries.</p>
<p>For availability please read <i class="term"><a href="cmdr_howto_get_sources.html">Cmdr - How To Get The Sources</a></i>.</p>
<p>This package provides utility commands to manage a command history.</p>
<div id="section2" class="section"><h2><a name="section2">API</a></h2>
<dl class="definitions">
<dt><a name="1"><b class="cmd">::cmdr::history</b> <b class="method">attach</b> <i class="arg">actor</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>When invoked this command extends the <i class="arg">actor</i> instance
(an officer) with the necessary commands (a <b class="cmd">history</b> officer) and
settings to record a history of commands entered for this actor and
its subordinate commands, and allow the user to manage this history.</p>
<p>The result of the command is the empty string.</p>
<dl class="arguments">
<dt>cmdr::officer <i class="arg">actor</i></dt>
<dd><p>The officer to extend with history
management commands.</p></dd>
<p>After attachment the actor will accept the following 3 commands:</p>
<pre class="example">
    history list ?n?  - Show last n history entries. Defaults to all.
    history clear     - Drop all history entries
    history limit ?n? - Limit history to 'n' entries (n &gt;= 0). Unlimited for n &lt; 0.
<p>Under most circumstances the attachment is handled through the
method <b class="cmd">custom-setup</b> of officers. See <b class="package"><a href="cmdr_officer.html">cmdr::officer</a></b>, and
the <span class="sectref"><a href="#section3">Example</a></span> for more information.</p></dd>
<dt><a name="2"><b class="cmd">::cmdr::history</b> <b class="method">save-to</b> <i class="arg">path</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>When invoked this command sets the package-wide history save file used
by the commands to the <i class="arg">path</i>.</p>
<p>The result of the command is the empty string.</p></dd>
<dt><a name="3"><b class="cmd">::cmdr::history</b> <b class="method">initial-limit</b> <i class="arg">limit</i></a></dt>
<dd><p>When invoked this command sets the package-wide limit on history size
to <i class="arg">limit</i>. A value less than zero means &quot;no limit&quot;.</p>
<p>The result of the command is the empty string.</p></dd>
<div id="section3" class="section"><h2><a name="section3">Example</a></h2>
<p>Below an example on how to activate history for an officer.
The example was taken from the <b class="cmd">fx</b> application extending the
<b class="cmd">fossil</b> DVCS.</p>
<pre class="example">
cmdr history initial-limit 20
cmdr history save-to       ~/.fx_history
cmdr create fx::fx [file tail $::argv0] {
    custom-setup ::cmdr::history::attach
<div id="section4" class="section"><h2><a name="section4">Bugs, Ideas, Feedback</a></h2>
<p>Both the package(s) and this documentation will undoubtedly contain
bugs and other problems.
Please report such at
<a href="https:/">Cmdr Tickets</a>.</p>
<p>Please also report any ideas you may have for enhancements of
either package(s) and/or documentation.</p>
<div id="keywords" class="section"><h2><a name="keywords">Keywords</a></h2>
<p><a href="../../index.html#key4">arguments</a>, <a href="../../index.html#key5">command hierarchy</a>, <a href="../../index.html#key9">command line completion</a>, <a href="../../index.html#key11">command line handling</a>, <a href="../../index.html#key13">command tree</a>, <a href="../../index.html#key0">editing command line</a>, <a href="../../index.html#key8">help for command line</a>, <a href="../../index.html#key6">hierarchy of commands</a>, <a href="../../index.html#key3">interactive command shell</a>, <a href="../../index.html#key1">optional arguments</a>, <a href="../../index.html#key2">options</a>, <a href="../../index.html#key12">parameters</a>, <a href="../../index.html#key10">processing command line</a>, <a href="../../index.html#key7">tree of commands</a></p>
<div id="copyright" class="section"><h2><a name="copyright">Copyright</a></h2>
<p>Copyright &copy; 2013-2016 Andreas Kupries<br>
Copyright &copy; 2013-2016 Documentation, Andreas Kupries</p>