By Categories
Document display
- shtmlview Basic HTML and Markdown viewer application
Documentation tools
- diagram Diagram drawing
- diagram-viewer Lightweight Diagram Processor
Image processing
- bitmap-editor Editor for XBM images
Map Display and Supporting Utilities
- map::area::display Widget to display a single geo/area definition
- map::area::file Reading/writing tklib geo/area files
- map::area::map-display Map Action Engine - Layer to display area definitions
- map::area::store::fs Filesystem-based store of geo/area definitions
- map::area::store::memory In-memory store for geo/area definitions
- map::area::table-display Widget to display a table of area definitions
- map::box::display Widget to display a single box definition
- map::box::entry Map Action Engine - Box Entry
- map::box::file Reading/writing tklib geo/box files
- map::box::map-display Map Action Engine - Layer to display box definitions
- map::box::store::fs Filesystem-based store of geo/box definitions
- map::box::store::memory In-memory store for geo/box definitions
- map::box::table-display Widget to display a table of box definitions
- map::display Map Display Widget
- map::mark Map Action Engine - Mark A Point
- map::point::file Reading/writing tklib geo/point files
- map::point::map-display Map Action Engine - Layer to display point definitions
- map::point::store::fs Filesystem-based store of geo/point definitions
- map::point::store::memory In-memory store for geo/point definitions
- map::point::table-display Widget to display a table of point definitions
- map::provider::osm Tile provider using OpenStreetMap Mapnik as origin
- map::track::display Widget to display a single track definition
- map::track::entry Map Action Engine - Track Entry
- map::track::file Reading/writing tklib geo/track files
- map::track::map-display Map Action Engine - Layer to display track definitions
- map::track::store::fs Filesystem-based store of geo/track definitions
- map::track::store::memory In-memory store for geo/track definitions
- map::track::table-display Widget to display a table of track definitions
- map_overview Overview of the packages in the Map module
- autoscroll Provides for a scrollbar to automatically mapped and unmapped as needed
- canvas::drag Manage the dragging of canvas items or item groups
- canvas::edit::circle Editing a circle on a canvas
- canvas::edit::points Editing a cloud of points on a canvas
- canvas::edit::polyline Editing a polyline on a canvas
- canvas::edit::quadrilateral Editing a quadrilateral on a canvas
- canvas::edit::rectangle Editing a rectangle on a canvas
- canvas::gradient Canvas with a gradient background
- canvas::highlight Manage the highlighting of canvas items or item groups
- canvas::mvg Canvas to ImageMagick MVG vector format
- canvas::pdf Canvas to PDF
- canvas::snap Canvas snapshot to Tk photo image
- canvas::sqmap Canvas with map background based on square tiles
- canvas::tag Easier management of the tags on canvas items or item groups
- canvas::track::lines Manage a group of rubber band lines
- canvas::zoom Zoom control for canvas::sqmap
- canvasLabel tkpiechart canvas label class
- chatwidget Provides a multi-paned view suitable for display of chat room or irc channel information
- controlwidget Collection of widgets for displaying and controlling numerical values
- crosshair Crosshairs for Tk canvas
- ctext Ctext a text widget with highlighting support
- cursor Procedures to handle CURSOR data
- getstring A string dialog
- history Provides a history for Entry widgets
- ico Reading and writing windows icons
- khim Provides key bindings for entering international characters on a keyboard that does not support them
- menubar Creates an instance of the Class.
- notifywindow Provides unobtrusive window for alerts/notifications from Tk applications
- ntext Alternative Bindings for the Text Widget
- ntextBindings Alternative Bindings for the Text Widget
- ntextIndent ntext Indentation for the Text Widget
- ntextWordBreak ntext Word Boundary Detection for the Text Widget
- persistentSelection Enhanced PRIMARY selection
- pie 2D or 3D pie chart object in a canvas
- pieBoxLabeler tkpiechart pie box style labeler class
- piePeripheralLabeler tkpiechart pie peripheral style labeler class
- Plotchart Simple plotting and charting package
- shtmlview Extended Tcl/Tk text widget with basic support for rendering of HTML and Markdown
- shtmlview_doctools shtmlview extension adding support for doctools markup
- shtmlview_mkdoc shtmlview extension adding support for mkdoc markup
- tipstack Stacked tooltips
- tooltip Tooltip management
- widget_listentry widget::listentry widget
- widget_listsimple widget::listsimple widget
- widget_validator widget::validator behaviour
- widgetPlus Enhanced Entry, Spinbox, and Combobox Widgets with Undo/Redo and other useful features
- datefield Tk datefield widget
- ipentry An IP address entry widget
- swaplist A dialog which allows a user to move options between two lists
- widget Megawidget bundle
- widget_calendar Calendar Megawidget
- widget_dateentry Date Entry Megawidget
- widget_toolbar Toolbar Megawidget
By Type
- bitmap-editor Editor for XBM images
- diagram-viewer Lightweight Diagram Processor
- shtmlview Basic HTML and Markdown viewer application
- autoscroll Provides for a scrollbar to automatically mapped and unmapped as needed
- canvas::drag Manage the dragging of canvas items or item groups
- canvas::edit::circle Editing a circle on a canvas
- canvas::edit::points Editing a cloud of points on a canvas
- canvas::edit::polyline Editing a polyline on a canvas
- canvas::edit::quadrilateral Editing a quadrilateral on a canvas
- canvas::edit::rectangle Editing a rectangle on a canvas
- canvas::gradient Canvas with a gradient background
- canvas::highlight Manage the highlighting of canvas items or item groups
- canvas::mvg Canvas to ImageMagick MVG vector format
- canvas::pdf Canvas to PDF
- canvas::snap Canvas snapshot to Tk photo image
- canvas::sqmap Canvas with map background based on square tiles
- canvas::tag Easier management of the tags on canvas items or item groups
- canvas::track::lines Manage a group of rubber band lines
- canvas::zoom Zoom control for canvas::sqmap
- chatwidget Provides a multi-paned view suitable for display of chat room or irc channel information
- controlwidget Collection of widgets for displaying and controlling numerical values
- crosshair Crosshairs for Tk canvas
- ctext Ctext a text widget with highlighting support
- cursor Procedures to handle CURSOR data
- datefield Tk datefield widget
- diagram Diagram drawing
- getstring A string dialog
- history Provides a history for Entry widgets
- ico Reading and writing windows icons
- ipentry An IP address entry widget
- khim Provides key bindings for entering international characters on a keyboard that does not support them
- map::area::display Widget to display a single geo/area definition
- map::area::file Reading/writing tklib geo/area files
- map::area::map-display Map Action Engine - Layer to display area definitions
- map::area::store::fs Filesystem-based store of geo/area definitions
- map::area::store::memory In-memory store for geo/area definitions
- map::area::table-display Widget to display a table of area definitions
- map::box::display Widget to display a single box definition
- map::box::entry Map Action Engine - Box Entry
- map::box::file Reading/writing tklib geo/box files
- map::box::map-display Map Action Engine - Layer to display box definitions
- map::box::store::fs Filesystem-based store of geo/box definitions
- map::box::store::memory In-memory store for geo/box definitions
- map::box::table-display Widget to display a table of box definitions
- map::display Map Display Widget
- map::mark Map Action Engine - Mark A Point
- map::point::file Reading/writing tklib geo/point files
- map::point::map-display Map Action Engine - Layer to display point definitions
- map::point::store::fs Filesystem-based store of geo/point definitions
- map::point::store::memory In-memory store for geo/point definitions
- map::point::table-display Widget to display a table of point definitions
- map::provider::osm Tile provider using OpenStreetMap Mapnik as origin
- map::track::display Widget to display a single track definition
- map::track::entry Map Action Engine - Track Entry
- map::track::file Reading/writing tklib geo/track files
- map::track::map-display Map Action Engine - Layer to display track definitions
- map::track::store::fs Filesystem-based store of geo/track definitions
- map::track::store::memory In-memory store for geo/track definitions
- map::track::table-display Widget to display a table of track definitions
- map_overview Overview of the packages in the Map module
- menubar Creates an instance of the Class.
- notifywindow Provides unobtrusive window for alerts/notifications from Tk applications
- ntext Alternative Bindings for the Text Widget
- ntextBindings Alternative Bindings for the Text Widget
- ntextIndent ntext Indentation for the Text Widget
- ntextWordBreak ntext Word Boundary Detection for the Text Widget
- persistentSelection Enhanced PRIMARY selection
- Plotchart Simple plotting and charting package
- shtmlview Extended Tcl/Tk text widget with basic support for rendering of HTML and Markdown
- shtmlview_doctools shtmlview extension adding support for doctools markup
- shtmlview_mkdoc shtmlview extension adding support for mkdoc markup
- swaplist A dialog which allows a user to move options between two lists
- canvasLabel tkpiechart canvas label class
- pie 2D or 3D pie chart object in a canvas
- pieBoxLabeler tkpiechart pie box style labeler class
- piePeripheralLabeler tkpiechart pie peripheral style labeler class
- widget Megawidget bundle
- widget_calendar Calendar Megawidget
- widget_dateentry Date Entry Megawidget
- widget_toolbar Toolbar Megawidget
- widget_listentry widget::listentry widget
- widget_listsimple widget::listsimple widget
- widgetPlus Enhanced Entry, Spinbox, and Combobox Widgets with Undo/Redo and other useful features
- widget_validator widget::validator behaviour